Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chinese New Year poem

Hiya Lovelies:

If you've found me, thanks.

I'm still into this celebratory week that about 1/5 of the globe celebrates.

Here's a poem for you and the website I got it from.

I wish you a Happy Pig year, even though I don't eat pork!

May 2007 and the Boar be good for you and yours:

Winter Night

My bed is so empty that I keep on waking up;
as the cold increases, the night-wind begins to blow.

It rustles the curtains, making a noise like the sea.
Oh that those were waves which could carry me back to you.

at: http://www.springsgreetingcards.com/catalogs/store.asp?pid=206956&catid=22647

What can I tell you. I've been in the Midwest and New York and it's been chilly!

PS: Have a happy belated Valentine's day, too. -- tm

Sunday, February 18, 2007

about TracieMorris.net

Hi, Y'all who are checking this out:

Well, it is a hot mess up in bulkregister land (where I have had traciemorris.net for a couple years). It's a shame. Since they were purchased from Enom last summer I have not been able to pay for my website, nor upload onto it. Really unfortunate as it was really great up until then and there has been much going on in Tracieland.

For now, please go to the site tracieswebsite.com or tracieswebsite.net for the latest. Hopefully before hell freezes over I'll be able to link my old and new web addresses so it won't be an issue. I'll give you some musings later but wanted to say:

Happy Pig year! Eat, drink, be loyal, friendly and merry, dahlinks.

Love ya,
Tracie from Tracieland
(a very special place I've created in my mind!)